MCK - Australian Made Kitchens, Melbourne

We don't sell imported kitchens.

We don’t sell mass manufactured set sized kitchens.

We sell custom sized and made Australian kitchens to suit your needs.

Melbourne Cheapest Kitchens Special offer

Ask yourself where is your kitchen made?

At MCK, all kitchens made using Australia made boards and products.

You save as this is a complete online service with no showroom, we price off the information you provide. We provide links of available products and can deliver as a ready to install or complete the full service depending on your requirements.

Remember these are Australian made not mass produced and imported like some major retailers provide using inferior products, they are custom made to your specifications using Australian made quality.


The simplicity of our system is that we are giving you the links to view our complete product range and you are giving us the information to be able to provide your cost.